Exit Ticket Day Three

What are the big ideas you will be taking from the past three days, and how will you be using them in the classroom next year? What type of support might you need next year in order for you to be as successful as you are able to be? Additional comments?

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  • It was wonderful! The lessons are there as a guide and framework. I will take the information and put my own twist on it.
  • This has been very helpful. Thank you!! Looking forward to diving into the reading units :)
  • Having attend teacher college reading/writing workshop last summer, l feel that I have a much better understanding of how to teach these units. This year's session has made me feel much more comfortable and confident in how l am using these lessons.
  • I have learned so much about the reading units. I have used reading workshop in my classroom for a few years now and these lessons will fit perfectly within my format. Thank you for ALL of your resources!!! I'm taking it for next year! Thanks again.
  • Thanks for your time and effort!
  • Format of a reading workshop
    Book ideas
    App suggestions
    Looking at the units
  • I am really excited to bring back everything I've learned to my team members, and am hoping we will gain administrator on adding in more resources.
  • Thank you for helping explain the units in more detail and the technology info.
  • I feel that I have a handle on readers workshop now. Thanks for all the helpful ideas and links! I want more ideas for connecting the writing and reading lessons now.
  • I definitely found the breakdown of the lessons to be a great benefit. We always get the information but don't know what to do with it.
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